From an 11 year old: 'When my Mum said a Psychologist was coming to see me, I thought it would be really boring... but when I got there I played games and did puzzles, it was actually really fun!'
From a parent: "From the outset, I found Julia very reassuring to talk to. My son told me that he had actually really enjoyed his time with her, and he found her very easy to chat to: in fact he found the whole experience to be positive and confidence boosting. I was truly impressed that Julia seemed to get to know my son so well in just one meeting, and whilst the objective of the assessment was to establish whether or not he was dyslexic, which we now know he isn't, he was, nonetheless, able to take away a lot from it, both about himself, and about learning and study techniques. The report was comprehensive, both about his academic skills, and about him as a person. Overall, an extremely worthwhile exercise."
From a teacher of an independent prep school: You are pretty much unique is your ability to look at the wider picture from the child's own perspective which comes of your Tavistock background. Your "on the spot" sessions with parents and staff together are also unusual and of great value to me and those parents who have been lucky enough to experience them. Face to face is so much better than by phone and it could potentially give you added info about family dynamics and how we can better work between home and school for the benefit of the child in question.
From a teacher in a County Secondary school: I find Julia a reliable and punctual Educational Psychologist to deal with. The children seem to emerge with a sense of achievement and parents comment on her approachable manner. She has thorough methods to her work and takes the whole child into account when evaluating the issues raised by us. Her reports are readable (although I do undertake to condense them for staff) and contain practical first-step suggestions, for school and home, at the end.