Health and care professions council.

Julia Busch Hansen

Helping children and parents achieve their full potential

Chartered Educational Psychologist

The British Psychological Society, click for website.
association of education psychologists, click for website.

Julia Busch Hansen
BA (Hons), PGCE,
Cert.Ed. Psychol.,
AFBPsS, C.Psychol. Chartered Educational Psychologist



The faces of the children shown are for the sole purpose of setting up this website and to the best of my knowledge have not been clients of any psychological services.

Sasha asilhouette w smI offer a range of services aimed at helping children (between the age of 3-16yrs) experiencing difficulties at school. The main thrust of the work is to establish the youngster's learning profile in order to optimise the teaching style for that youngster and any parental support required.


silhouette w vsmI work with children of all abilities from the less able to the exceptionally able, including:

  • Gifted children
  • Children showing slow general progress in class
  • Those experiencing difficulties with specific skills like reading, writing or arithmetic
  • Children with special educational needs such as those with sensory, physical or speech impairments
  • Those that are in emotional or behavioural trouble.

silhouette w vsmI support adults in a parenting role who are stressed and anxious because of their child's difficulties either at school andlor at home.

silhouette w vsmI support teacher's in helping them to be aware of their teaching style and how it supports a particular child with their own learning style. I am ready to listen/offer advice when it is asked
for, and support the teacher in their classroom management.

silhouette w vsmThe specific services include literacy and numeracy advice, (together with other curriculum
enquiries); brief therapy solutions for emotional and behavioural difficulties (at home or at school), developing and promoting self-esteem in various aspects of their life, monitoring and follow-up for your particular child. Staff in-service training and peer group work for youngsters
can also be arranged.

silhouette w vsmTo carry out an assessment I collect information from recent school reports, discussions with staff and parents and information about the child in different contexts (sometimes observations in class or playgrounds are helpful). During the individual assessment with the child, I carry out a combination of informal tasks and discussions as to their social experiences and curriculum evaluations together with standardised assessment tools drawn from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale appropriate to the youngster's age; (WISC-V (UK) or WPPSI-II) and other standardised tools I deem appropriate to the task. I ensure the youngster has a positive experience with me and goes away with a sense of achievement.

silhouette w vsmThe format of a school held assessment usually consists of a classroom observation (20 minutes), followed by approximately two hours minimum, working individually with the child. There will be a break, when I may be able to talk to relevant staff. The assessment is followed by a parent andlor staff consultation for approximately one hour. The format of a home assessment is to work for two hours minimum with the childlyoung person and then they can be taken back to school (whilst I score up) and then we have the parent consultation.



Julia Busch Hansen
BA (Hons), PGCE,
Cert.Ed. Psychol.,
AFBPsS, C.Psychol. Chartered Educational Psychologist

The faces of the children shown are for the sole purpose of setting up this website and to the best of my knowledge have not been clients of any psychological services.